Bitbns Exchange/Trading ‎ Platform

Bitbns Exchange/Trading ‎ Platform
Bitbns is an Indian trading platform where you can trade your coin or exchange it into another coin like USD, Bitcoin, and more. If you are from India you can exchange or trade your coin into Indian rupee (INR). It will allow you to withdraw your money to direct your bank account within 24 hours.

How to trade coin in Bitbns:-

If you have held some coin and you want to trade or exchange them into other coins or currency. 

Follow these steps:-

  1. Go to your Bitbns account make sure you logged in.
  2. Select the coin which you have (or you want to trade that coin).
  3. On the left side, you can see the Buy and Sell option. Click on Sell.
  4. Now you have to enter your volume in a volume section. (Amount of coin) As well as below that option you can see a percentage option like 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. According to you, you can select how many percentages of coin or amount you want yo trade.
  5. Price:- This shows you the current rate of that particular coin. If you want to change that rate or might be you want a hight exchange rate you can change it, But you have to wait until your trade match with that particular value which you want to trade.
  6. Sell Button:- Once you click on the sell button it will show you a message like "your trade or order will happen when its value match"
  7. Finally when your trade happened your coin will be gone and you will get INR coin/currency.
Note:- Whatever coin you trade the final amount you will get in Indian rupee (INR).

Coin listed on Bitbns:-

  1. BTC
  2. XRP
  3. ETH
  4. BNB
  5. BTT
  6. TRX
  7. ADA
  8. XRP
  9. EOS
  10. XLM
  11. ETN
  12. NRG
  13. DASH
  14. DOGE
  15. ICX
  16. LTC
  17. USDT

There are many more coins that have listed on Bitbns but these are my favourite coins which I have mention above.

Withdrawal Options:-

  1. Direct Bank Transfer:- 
  • Withdrawal charges:- None
  • The minimum amount of per withdrawal:- 100 (INR)
  • The maximum amount of per withdrawal:- 50,000 (INR)
  • The maximum amount of per day:- 1,00,000 (INR)
  • Maximum number of withdrawal per day:- 2
  • withdrawals can only be requested from 10 AM to 4 PM IST

Other options:- 

  1. USDT:- P2P USDT Transfer.
  2. UPI/IMPS:- P2P Bank Transfer.
  3. BidforX:- P2P Bank Transfer.

Note:- I would like to recommend you withdraw your money through Bank Transfer. But if you want to withdraw through other options then read more about fees, limitations, timing, tips, and more. Because sometime RBI stop withdraws and deposits for the trading platform, at this time you chose other option to withdraw your money.

I hope this information helps you to trade your coins on the Bitbns platform. Bitbns is the best trading platform where you can do lots of things like trade, exchange, withdraw, deposit, and you can invest your money in BTC or USDT.

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  1. Can explain the ‘Ratiobal Choice Properties’ in short article..?

    1. I published the article, where I have explained three properties of rational choice. you can check it out I drop the link below.
      Hope you like this article.
