

LinkedIn is a social professional platform where people can create job opportunities, hire people for work, share their work photos, articles, and other important information.

Features - 

Home: Once you've logged in to LinkedIn, the home feed is your news feed, showing recent posts from your connections with other professionals and company pages you're following, and group information that you follow. 


Profile: Your profile shows your name, your photo, your location, your occupation, education, job experience, skills, where you worked in the past, and more. you can customise this information at any time.


My Network: Here you'll find a list of all the professionals you're currently connected with on LinkedIn. If you hover your mouse over this option in the top menu, you'll also be able to see a number of other options that will allow you to add contacts, find people you may know and find alumni and more people.


Jobs: All sorts of job listings are posted on LinkedIn everyday by employers, and LinkedIn will recommend specific jobs to you based on your current information, including your location and optional job preferences that you can fill out to get better-tailored job listings.


Pending Invitations: When other professionals invite you to connect with them on LinkedIn, you'll receive an invitation that you'll have to approve.


Messages: When you want to start a conversation with another professional, you can do so by sending them a private message through LinkedIn. You can also add attachments, include photos, links, and other information.

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